Karen’s Killer Fixin’s with TRAVELLER’S JOY, Highland Homecoming Book 4 #Paranormal #Mystery #Romance by Sherrie Hansen #Recipe ~ Seasoned Pork and Parmesan Stuffed Pumpkin

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with SHERRIE HANSEN!

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!! Today, instead of one of my recipes, I will introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll also get a chance to check out some fantastic authors. Introducing author SHERRIE HANSEN and her favorite recipe for Seasoned Pork and Parmesan Stuffed Pumpkin!


Highland Homecoming Book 4


Joy Revel always loved seeing the Northern Lights dancing over the Wildflower Wood, the wee Shell House, and the Walled Garden she played in as a child. But when she moved back to Stonehaven, she quickly discovered that things had changed. The old house is structurally unsound, the Walled Garden has been locked up for decades, and a mysterious old man with a beard is wandering around warning her to stay away from Hangman’s Hill, especially when the Northern Lights hover over Dunnottar Castle.

Musician Liam MacCraig wears an amulet around his neck made from dried stems and seeds of Traveller’s-joy. He believes the wildflower has the power to ward off evil spirits and protect travelers on their journeys. Or maybe it’s his mother’s belief in the Holy Spirit that’s keeping him safe. As long as he lives near Hangman’s Hill, he’ll take any help he can get, especially now that the Northern Lights are at full tilt.

Joy moved home to the Highlands to renovate the house she grew up in and open a B&B called Traveller’s Joy. Lofty dreams for a place where she can’t even sleep. It feels as though the whole Wildflower Wood is restless.



Highland Homecoming Book 4


Thoughts on the release of my new novel, Traveller’s Joy
(the final installment in the Highland Homecoming series – Highland Heather, Alpine Meadow, Love in a Mist, Traveller’s Joy:

If you’ve read my book Love in a Mist (if you haven’t, you should!), you probably remember the surprise twist at the end when Pastor Ian and Rose’s son, Liam MacCraig, tries to seduce Misty. I won’t spoil the ending by telling you whether she ended up with Liam or Bayn, but I will say that as I wrote the scene, my heart was so caught up in Liam’s character that I knew the story had to continue.

I loved fleshing out Liam, discovering what made him tick, and figuring out how the various influences in his life shaped him into the enigma he is when Traveller’s Joy begins. Born in Botswana, the son of a naïve missionary and a native of the village, Liam was adopted by a Scottish couple who couldn’t have children of their own. If you’ve read Wild Rose, Blue Belle, Shy Violet, and Sweet William, you may remember snippets of the story. If not, Traveller’s Joy will cue you in gradually.

Liam is one of the most complex characters I’ve ever had the privilege of getting to know. Life in the parsonage, the rectory, or the manse as it’s sometimes called in Scotland, is full of twists and turns, joy and heartbreak, praise and criticism. As a pastor’s wife, I can say with all certainty that being a part of pastor’s family is not easy, simple, or straightforward. I’ve also never personally experienced what it feels like to be plucked from one continent and culture and plopped down in another, but I like to think I can relate to being a part of a complex family unit (I grew up believing I must be adopted because I was so different from the rest of my family.) I like to think that I did Liam’s character justice.

But Joy is a part of this story, too. So are Misty, Bayn (Love in a Mist), and Heather’s husband, Brodie (Highland Heather), for that matter, but I already knew them well when I started Traveller’s Joy. I think Joy’s character came about because I had just sold the Blue Belle Inn B&B and Tea House, and was starting over. It was hard to shut the door on the past and look to the future—still is in many ways. When Traveller’s Joy opens, Joy has recently gone through a divorce (which I did years ago), and left her business in Italy behind, her whole life, really, to move back to Scotland, renovate the house she grew up in, and turn it into a B&B.

Who was it that said you can’t go back? As I wrote Joy’s story, I could relate to her frustrations and setbacks. Conversely, I know the joy of birthing a new life and discovering anew things that tickle my fancy and bring me delight. I know the thrill of watching a fledgling idea take off and soar.

I think we can all relate to those pivotal moments in time when everything seems impossible, when we’re living life on the brink of success or failure, when anything can and does happen. Like us, when crossroads are reached, Joy needs to make decisions—where to turn, whether to keep trying or call it quits, whether to put her trust in things, in man, or in God.

I started Traveller’s Joy with two wonderful main characters and a host of amazing stars in supporting roles. The story idea came from a trip to Scotland in the spring of 2023. Mark and I stayed at a wonderful B&B called The Lodge near Stonehaven, a picturesque village on the east coast of Scotland. The owners, Karen and John, told us some of the legends surrounding the woods at the edge of their property—the field where the old Kennedy House stood before it was torn down, the Wee Shell House, the Lady’s Bath, Hangman’s Hill, the Walled Garden, and a little further out, Dunnottar Castle and the town of Stonehaven. Their enthusiasm, and a memorable walk through the wood, which was covered in a carpet of wildflowers, inspired me to write Traveller’s Joy, the novel, and the song, Wildflower Wood. Hangman’s Hill and the eerie feeling surrounding it stirred both my imagination and my heart. I hope it will touch you, too.

About Author Sherrie Hansen…

SHERRIE HANSEN’s highly acclaimed novels are set both close to home and abroad. Her Wildflowers of Scotland and Highland Homecoming novels, and mysteries set in Ireland, Denmark, France, Czechia, the Midwest, and Florida, are full of quirky characters and local color. One reviewer called her novels “the thinking woman’s romance.” The Blue Belle Inn B&B and Tea House Cookbook reflects her life’s work, and her recipes are her legacy. She enjoys photographing sunsets, playing the piano, painting, sewing, and planning her next European adventure. SHERRIE HANSEN and her husband live in picturesque Northern Iowa.


Links to Sherrie’s website, blog, books, #ad, etc.:

To purchase TRAVELLER’S JOY, contact me personally at sherrieh@wctatel.net or from my Facebook page (Messenger) or visit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DDMY83V6












I hope you enjoy the recipe Sherrie is sharing today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy Eating!


P.S. We’re at 712 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right-hand column menu,  you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: If an author’s favorite recipe isn’t their own creation and came from an online site, you will now find the entire recipe through the link to that site as a personal recommendation. Thank you.


Seasoned Pork and Parmesan Stuffed Pumpkin

NOTE FROM SHERRIE: I lived in Colorado Springs for twelve years and then moved back to northern Iowa to be near my family and open a B&B and Tea House. I retired and sold the property two years ago, so the Blue Belle Inn Cookbook is my legacy. Wonderful customer favorites!

What can I say about our pumpkins? Every fall, customers drove from miles and miles in every direction to enjoy our stuffed pumpkins. They are much loved, and rightly so. A huge round of applause to local grower, Karen Brumm, for sharing her pumpkins with us every year!

3 individual-serving-sized pumpkins, squash, or baked potatoes
1 lb. ground pork
1 tsp. seasoned salt (Home Town or Lawry’s, with paprika)
1 tsp. Nature’s Seasoning (a Morton Salt product)
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1/3 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup sour cream (may use light)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 egg, lightly beaten
Herb seasoned croutons

Slice top off pumpkin or squash. Replace top and microwave 6 – 8 minutes until pulp is tender. Remove fiber and seeds. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. OR, Slice top off pumpkin & bake cut side down in 1-inch water at 375°F degrees for 1 hour until pulp is tender. Fry pork over medium heat until lightly browned. Add celery, onion, and mushrooms and heat until tender. Add remaining ingredients except egg. Adjust seasonings, add egg. Spoon 2/3 to 3/4 cup into pumpkin or squash for lunch or 1 cup per pumpkin for dinner. Bake 20 – 30 minutes in medium oven. Top with herb seasoned croutons and bake a few minutes more. If using baked potatoes, split and spoon hot mixture over top. Garnish with freshly shredded or flaked Parmesan cheese.


Thanks, Sherrie, for sharing your book and recipe with us!

Don’t miss the chance to read this book!

3 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Fixin’s with TRAVELLER’S JOY, Highland Homecoming Book 4 #Paranormal #Mystery #Romance by Sherrie Hansen #Recipe ~ Seasoned Pork and Parmesan Stuffed Pumpkin”

  1. So appropriately timed, given the magical Northern lights display throughout the U. S.

    The recipe sounds perfect!

    Thanks, Sherrie and Karen.

  2. Good morning, Sherrie, and welcome to Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. As K.A. mentioned, such a timely post with the current Northern Lights slipping down into the U.S. My daughter in W. Virginia sent photos of her night sky last night. Beautiful. Something I’ve always wanted to see.

    I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of opening a B&B, so stories about them always hit my TBR lists. Your story has other twists to make it even more appealing. Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for sharing it with us today.

    Thanks, too, for sharing the recipe. It sounds scrumptious. I will have to try this one, for sure!

  3. The recipe sounds fascinating. The book would sound just as interesting, if I could get it at my local library. Unfortunately, they don’t carry it. At least I can satisfy one type of appetite. 😀

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